Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Is Expected From The US Men's Team

Dear Bob & Co.

I am sorry of you feel the criticism of your performances is unjust. I am sorry if you feel the fans are being too hard on you. I am really sorry that you think we don't know what we are talking about. The days of you just skating by are done. It's no longer good enough to eke by inferior teams late in the game. That doesn't show character when you have to win late against opposition you should trounce. It shows lack of foucs, lack of motivation and lack of heart. Bob, you confuse gutty with gutless. The whole team needs to work on how to adjust to changing circumstances. Change comes to slowly and valuable time is lost while you pull your heads from your collective bottoms.

I haven't forgotten you finished 2-3 at the Confederations Cup and had an embarrassing collapse in the final. You were losers of that tournament, not winners. I was delighted you beat Spain. Can you beat Costa Rica? Honduras? What have you done lately? That is and will always be the question. Get used to it or quit.

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